Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Would I Number my iPads?

One reason to number the iPads is so that students know which iPad they are working on from session to session. If they happen to take pictures and then want to use them for a project at a later time, they will want to use the same iPad. It is also easier to offer differentiated activities for students by making folders with apps for certain students.  In K-2 classrooms, you would have 6 iPads including your teacher iPad.
One easy way to number the iPads is to google the number you are wanting, for example the number "2."  Then click on "Images" at the top tab.

Once you find the number you want, click on the number to make it larger. Then, hold down the circle (Home) button and the power button at the same time. You should hear a clicking noise and your screen should blink. This means the screen shot is saved to your camera roll.

Next, you will want to open the photos app. It looks like this.

First you will want to crop the picture. To do this, you will want to tap on the picture and then click on the word "Edit."  Then you will want to click "Crop" on the bottom right hand side.  Use the arrows to adjust the image so you only see the number portion.  Then, click the yellow word "Crop" in the right hand corner of your image.  Finally, click the word "Save" and click "Save to Camera Roll."

With the edited picture, you will tap the picture and then look for a box with an arrow in the right hand side of the picture. You will want to select "Use as Wallpaper." Then choose "Set Both." When you close the picture app, you should then see your number on the background. Repeat this process for each of the iPads.

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